As the statewide voice of Kansas electric cooperatives, KEC — through its broad communication efforts — educates co-op consumer-members, policymakers, the media and the general public about the cooperative difference and the important role electric cooperatives play in the sustainable development of rural Kansas communities. Public-facing efforts include education through social media channels, the organization’s websites, publications, public relations campaigns, participation in job fairs and other public events related to the mission of KEC.
The Communications Department also provides resources to assist member co-ops with their communication efforts to help build support from their consumer-members for the electric co-ops’ programs and initiatives. Through the monthly magazine, Kansas Country Living, Kansas electric cooperatives communicate with their consumer-members on topics that impact rural electrification and rural Kansas. With a circulation of more than 136,000, Kansas Country Living is an integral communications channel for Kansas electric cooperatives to share with their members the latest co-op news, energy efficiency tips, emerging technology and electrical safety.
Communications Department staff provide KEC member co-ops with monthly editorial content and editing expertise, digital and social media resources, as well as handle the complete design and production of the co-op’s local pages each month.
In addition, the department provides assistance with crisis communications, offers support in the areas of writing, design, website maintenance, social media planning, and is eager to assist member co-ops with developing communication plans for their programs and initiatives.
KEC Communications produces the KEC Directory, manages projects initiated through KEC Creative Solutions, and oversees the KEC and Kansas Country Living websites and social media communications.